
全称:CPA Australia 澳洲会计师公会是澳洲最大的财务丶会计及商业团体,也是全球最大的会计专业团体之一,总部设在澳大利亚的墨尔本, 拥有逾 150,000名会员。公会的会员遍布全球,有23% 以上的会员在超过100个澳洲以外的国家工作或居住。 相关链接:澳洲CPA新闻 澳洲CPA考...

Ok, just as a qualified person has many attributes that makes him or her suitable for a job, a qualified answer is one with conditions too. For example, a qualified accountant must be able to read the books – and perhaps cook the books if and when...

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